Will Sennott is a reporter for the New Bedford Light who recently published an investigative story produced in partnership with ProPublica entitled, How Foreign Private Equity Hooked New England’s Fishing Industry This story explores the impact that outside investment is having on the Groundfish Fishery in New England.
This story has gained a lot of attention within the industry (and with federal legislators) so MCFA invited Will to join host Ben Martens for a conversation about his reporting in the latest episode of Maine Coast Dock Talk.
In addition to the podcast from MCFA, the Fishing Forward Podcast "a podcast inspired by fishermen, for fishermen, with a focus on health, safety, and staying shipshape in the commercial fishing industry" recently did an episode related to labor in the seafood industry. If you are looking for some more perspective and story related to control of fishery access and the risks associated with that control (and the labor negotiations on the other side) Check out episode 15.
Fishing Forward is funded by The Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety and produced by the team at Coastal Routes Radio at the University of Guelph and Dalhousie University in Canada.